Astrological forecast for December 2021

Neptune begins its direct movement in the sign of Pisces on December 1

Neptune's position in Pisces is one of the best. That is why the beginning of December promises a boost of creativity, a manifestation of gentleness, the awakening of love and spirituality.

With such a position of Neptune, you can become the creator of your life and your reality; first of all, your inner one. At this time, it is worth adopting the principle: what is inside is reflected outside.

However, it is very important here not to slip into fantasies, dreams, suffering and indecisiveness.

During the period of such a Neptune, it is good to develop your spirituality, receptivity, thrift, attention to detail, frugality.

The dangers of such a position of Neptune are fog, fakes, distortion of the situation, virtual reality, obsessions, holy wars, secret societies.

New Moon on December 4, 2021

During this New Moon, there will also be a total solar eclipse.

The New Moon and the eclipse are of a mixed nature. On one hand, they point to a crisis on a global scale, the redistribution of spheres of influence. On the other hand, they give positive emotions and strength for self-improvement and self-disclosure.

During this New Moon, the sphere of communications may be disturbed. It is important to stick to the principles of the golden mean and solve all coming tasks without tension.

During this New Moon, you should rely on pure selfishness and not blindly follow your ambitions. It is not advised to go over people s heads, belittling others by word, action and thought, especially your loved ones and relatives.

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Mercury will stay in Scorpio until December 13

Staying in Sagittarius during the beginning of December, Mercury can inspire you to tell the nothing but the truth and shoot from the hip .

Although it may seem a harmless urge but this may actually turn into a basis for conflicts that, in their turn, may bring a bunch of problems.

In this position of the planet, it is better to think before speaking or stick to the principle silence is gold .

One should show external restraint and the same time, notice the appearance of inner rage and let it go.

At this time, it is better to be engaged in your ordinary activities, study philosophy, foreign languages, and ponder more.

Mars will stay in the sign of Scorpio until December 13

Mars here gives activity, willpower, strength and passion. So many things can be overcome and many issues can be resolved. When Mars is like this, it gives strength and speed so you can already begin your preparations for the New Year.

Mercury transits in the sign of Capricorn on December 13

Here comes the time when you can set clear goals and move steadily towards them. Pragmatism and cold calculation appear, helping to make up a clear step-by-step plan to follow your dreams.

There may be a desire to earn your place under the sun , improve your status, get acquainted with people with authority, who occupy a high social status.

This position causes the need for more specific things, where there will be less desire to waste time on empty conversations. Practical knowledge and a vision of where to move to appear. It becomes easier to separate the main information from the secondary one.

Mars transits in Sagittarius on December 13

Mars in Sagittarius will give a spark for the implementation of goals. A lot of attention and energy will be focused on the implementation of the desired. It will feel like Mars is awakening the winter fire of Sagittarius, giving it an impulse.

Enthusiasm, energy, ambition will help us not to be afraid to set big goals, which, although they are under the aim of the older planets, can be empowered by the active strength of Mars.

In some cases, the optimism of Mars will be stronger than the influence of cold Venus. However, it is worth remembering that you need to count on strength with wisdom so you wouldn t break down.

Venus is in Capricorn in December 2021

Here she meets Pluto on December 11 and 25, and some kind of reorientation, a change of image takes place. There may be inner mental suffering, the need to find a way out, the search for light. These moments will become choice points, especially on December 25.

While Venus is in Capricorn (and this will last until March 6, 2022), it is advised to reassess your values, rethink your views toward life.

Full Moon on December 19, 2021

During this Full Moon, the Sun will be in Sagittarius, and the Moon will be in Gemini.

The energy of Sagittarius contributes to productive activity, catching new ideas, summing up and making plans for the next year.

During this period, intuition is activated and it becomes possible to see your true goals more clearly and build a way to achieve them.

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Venus starts its retrograde motion on December 19

In Capricorn, Venus is quite chained. At this time it will become difficult to express your feelings and emotions. Retrograde aggravates this situation by aiming a person to his internal processes.

During the period of such a motion of Venus, you can sort out your ideas about money, your external image, love, beauty, art, harmony, material values, practical principles, close relationships, a manifestation of creativity.

Retrograde Venus in Capricorn slows down financial processes and purchases.

Considering the retrograde motion of Venus, it is advised to make New Year's preparations before December 19. Especially, when it comes to purchasing jewelry, beauty items, gifts, and postcards in advance. It is good to make your main financial investments before this date. If you wanted to buy new equipment, a beautiful car or goods to decorate your life, then it's better to do it before December 19.

Winter Solstice on December 21

During the Winter Solstice, the subject of the Full Moon continues to develop.

Retrograde Venus will somewhat aggravate the situation, hitting the most painful side finances. And since finances reflect the level of energy, it is better to pay attention to how this energy is redistributed.

From this moment, you can start preparations and planning the New Year, making wishes and being tuned in to the implementation of your dreams.

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Jupiter transits into the sign of Pisces on December 29

At the moment close to the climax of the year, Jupiter, the benefactor and patron, which gives great opportunities, transits into a sign of its strength. It will be in his signature place until May 2022.

Being in this sign, Jupiter brings us the wisdom of understanding, expansion, favorable opportunities, new benefactors and patrons.

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