Full Moon on April 8, 2020

The Full Moon on April 8 occurs at 02:35 A.M. UTC.

At the time of this Full Moon the Sun will be in Aries and the Moon will be in Libra.

The meanings of this Full Moon

At this Full Moon we leave the past and start a new cycle.

The bright energy of Aries is calling us into the future.

Aries represents the energy of the Beginning and provides an opportunity to feel ideas from the Divine plane.

In this Sign a shifting to new qualitative level takes place. The whole world is being rebuilt.

Previous desires and ideas are rethought. What was relevant earlier has now lost a meaning.

The Full Moon teaches us to destroy obsolete with love and helps us correctly use our Will for this.

Aries energy teaches us the proper management of various processes, contributes to the development of organizational skills.

The destroing of obsolete and the birth of new can often be experienced painfully. And it is important to understand that all power is within us and it has great potential. That the concentration only on the material level does not already bring satisfaction, and that the truth is Higher.

Moving to a new level is inevitable. And it is happening not individually, but massively and globally.

The energy of this Full Moon

The Full Moon on April 8 is quite calm, the energy of Libra smoothes and compensates the impulsive energy of Aries.

However, intense tension can be felt in the air because of the inability to act right now.

Most activities are focused at the home and in the inner world.

We are as if forced to clean up old debts. To find mutual understanding with loved ones on a new level. To understand each other and forgive.

Such a conjunction of planets is built in the sky that is able to raise and clear the depths of our subconscious.

Full Moon period

The Full Moon period lasts from April 6 till 10, 2020.

This is a good time to understand your loved ones and establish harmonious contact with them.

It is important to try to understand not only others, but yourself also. Take a deep look at your feelings and thoughts. 

During this period it is good to write down your feelings and experiences, keep a diary, and engage in creativity also.

In a difficult situation it is advisable to look at it differently, from a detached position, try to see its meaning from above.

During the Full Moon period it is advisable to meditate, try to be in the silence of the mind and tune in to the perception of the higher meanings that it carries.