New Moon in Scorpio - October 28, 2019

The New Moon on October 28, 2019 occurs at 03:38 UTC.

In this time the Sun and the Moon will be in the sign of Scorpio, which will influence this lunar month.

Energy of this New Moon

An important task of the Scorpio is transformation. 

The energy of Scorpio will show the shadow aspects of our life with which we have to work. 

This month try to take the observer position.

The energy of this New Moon gives us necessary observation ability and strength of will to changing.

We can understand from where our feelings are taken.

Also, we can observe and become aware of our attachments to material things or emotional states.

Planning new lunar month

When planning for the coming month, include a review of your belongings and getting rid of everything unnecessary. 

Reserve time for taking out from the house of all superfluous and outdated. 

Take the time to analyze your life and find the channels through which energy is uselessly flowing out. 

Be prepared for letting go what you are strongly attached to. 

Plan creative activities and development of your talents and skills. 

This month, it would be good to review the issues of finance and their distribution. 

If you have a topic that has been bothering you for a long time, and you want to solve it, try this month.

Set yourself up to be friendly to people in the new month.

And learn to take all changes in life as a blessing.