New Moon on September 25, 2022

The New Moon will occur on September 25, 2022, at 9:54 P.M. UTC.

On this New Moon, both the Moon and the Sun will be in Libra.

The new lunar month will last until October 25, 2022.

The main meanings of this New Moon

During this New Moon, we can tune in to the ability to balance and find a compromise when solving complex issues.

We learn how to balance completely opposite things by finding harmony between them.

The energy of Libra helps to tune in to diplomacy and the ability to listen to different points of view and negotiate.

Having tuned in to the sign of Libra, you can see and feel the subtle beauty and harmony on a higher level.

The energy of this New Moon

During this New Moon, it s crucial to pay more attention to health. You need to take care of nutrition and check the expiry dates. Avoid unhealthy and low-quality products. Protect yourself and your children from poisoning.

The energy of this New Moon can cause overstrain due to tremendous overloads. During this period, you shouldn t overload yourself with work or take on more tasks than you can actually perform.

It s advised to always stick to the plan in all your activities. It s necessary to make efforts to fulfil all promises and obligations you made.

The energy of the New Moon ensures a good connection with your emotions and feelings. They will become easy to express and understand. During this New Moon, it s easy to determine your desires, preferences, likes, and dislikes.

On the one hand, this New Moon is favourable for large-scale activities: there will be will and energy. On the other hand, you have to be careful with the load you want to take.

This New Moon will occur right on the threshold of the eclipse series, which will begin at the end of October, and it points to the problems associated with global changes of a fundamental nature.

Our qualities (the ability to organise our activities and act according to the plan, the desire to be in an environment of optimistic and motivated people) can balance problems of a global nature.

By helping us to feel and understand our desires, the energy of this New Moon makes it possible to overcome all personal hesitations and choose the right path.

Planning during this New Moon

On this New Moon, it s good to choose a healthy eating plan, sports, and training aimed at developing a strong will.

It s good to plan to learn something new, establish new connections and contacts, build a strategy, and perform marketing research.

You can make big and long-term plans, especially if they are related to the following spheres textiles, beauty, or making home cosy.

During this New Moon, it s better to devote your time to planning and careful development of your plans. It s recommended to switch to actions in early October.

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