New Moon on March 24, 2020

The New Moon on March 24 occurs at 9:28 A.M. UTC.

This day the Sun and the Moon will be in the sign of Aries.

And the new lunar month will be influenced with the energy of Aries, giving us many new ideas, an impulse for action and the energy of awakening.

The energy of this New Moon

In Aries New Moon we can get new ideas, can see the strategy of our actions.

Aries allows us to understand our live path and provides energy for active action.

Also, Aries teaches us optimism and cheerfulness.

The New Moon on March 24, 2020 has a positive connotation.

It promises changes in social life and at work.

The position of planets provides energy to overcome difficulties.

The conjunction of the Moon, the Sun and Lilith on the New Moon portends the rise of past karma and debts. It is desirable to detached observe these processes and work in some way with them.

During the New Moon period and whole lunar month conflicts with parents and with management should be avoided.

In the coming lunar month it makes sense to think about your destiny, try to understand your place in the world and reflect on Higher meanings.

New Moon Planning 

This is good time to initiate new projects and to start new cycles.

Perhaps, the most successful plan in the coming lunar month will be your self-development and what will not depend on external circumstances.

It would be good to see how you spend your resources, both material and spiritual.

This New Moon gives the opportunity to look very deep inside yourself and see what was previously inaccessible. There is a good chance to know yourself another, at a new level.

On New Moon day it is advisable to tune in to the intuitive perception of ideas that come from Higher.

You can tune in to the Higher and try to feel your destiny.

This New Moon provides a lot of energy for self-determination and understanding where you are moving.

When planning for new lunar month, it is important to understand that unforeseen circumstances are always possible.

During the New Moon period it is important to maintain a harmonious and conscious state, and to try to control your desires and feelings.