Full Moon on September 20, 2021

Full Moon on September 20, 2021, will occur at 11:54 P.M. UTC.

At this time, the Moon will be in the sign of Pisces, and the Sun in the sign of Virgo.

The main meanings of this Full Moon

In Virgo, the main task what a person was born for is recognized. Therefore, the sign of Virgo teaches us to put our Soul into all our affairs.

Through soft and slow crises, the Virgo energy gradually develops us and brings us to the light. A person gradually begins to see the manifestation of God in everything.

The sign of Pisces encourages understanding and feeling of the other, the manifestation of higher forms of love and compassion.

During this Full Moon, we learn to prioritize our affairs.

The energy of this Full Moon

During this Full Moon, the ability to feel and understand other people increases.

Increased sensitivity strengthens empathy and the tendency to influence the moods of others, this can give confusion and bring an unconscious change of mood.

In order not to ruin your life and the lives of others, you should focus on the development of inner joy and positive thinking. You should not let impulsivity lead you to thoughtless actions.

You should learn to recognize your non-harmonic states: melancholy, spendthrift, and tightness, a sense of stiffness, a thirst for pleasure.

Planetary energies give strength to temper the will and renew the vital forces.

A possibility to control your imagination, which is trying to lead us into illusions, appears.

The increasing power of concentration and will give us the possibility to implement our ideas, not only fantasize about them. It also applies to team projects.

During this Full Moon, it is desired to find balance when communicating with other people and understand where you can speak starlight and where it is better to restrain from direct comments. An excessive tendency to say everything that s on your tongue may lead to a conflict.

Any Full Moon initiates a conflict between the conscious and subconscious parts, brings the internal controversies to the surface. That is why it is important to treat yourself and people with care, trying to understand yourself and them and never judge.

The representatives of the signs of Virgo, Libra, Pisces, Aires, Capricorn, Cancer, Gemini, Sagittarius will be the most sensitive to the impact of this Full Moon.

The Full Moon dates

The Full Moon dates will last from September 18 to 22, 2021.

During this period, there will not only be the Full Moon, but also the Autumnal Equinox. The overlap of these events indicates the need to build yourself and your life according to the principle of harmony of the upper and lower.

During the Full Moon dates, it is important to build your life axis, connecting the Sky and the Earth. 

Understanding that the Earth provides nourishment for the physical body, and the Sky for the spiritual body.

At this time, it is worth collecting and storing not only physical harvest but energy as well. This is how we create granaries for the upcoming autumn-winter period.

During the Full Moon dates, it is advised to clean out your granaries. At this time, you can review your old relationships and things, see what can be resumed, updated, restored, or thrown away, discarded forever.

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