Full Moon on December 19, 2021

The Full Moon on December 19, 2021, will occur at 4:35 A.M. UTC.

The Moon will be in Gemini, and the Sun will be in Sagittarius during this Full Moon.

The main meanings of this Full Moon

This Full Moon gives us the opportunity to become more focused. It becomes possible to choose one of the many variations that lay in front of us and follow it.

It will become easier to see your true goals and objectives. To understand how much time, effort, and resources are necessary to achieve the goal.

The energy of Sagittarius teaches us to control our words and thoughts.

At this time, we learn to listen to our intuition, our inner voice, our soul and choose goals based on our inner compass.

The energy of this Full Moon

This Full Moon gives a lot of new opportunities that can come through new contacts.

Also, the Full Moon gives energy for productive activity. Accuracy, scrupulousness, and orderliness in work are increasing. New ideas can be very promising.

You can slowly and carefully put your things in order, summarize the results of the year, make financial planning.

When actively developing your projects, it is important not to hurt the self-esteem of your colleagues. Bosses should be more attentive with their employees in order not to cause emotional stress that might result in delayed actions.

The emotional state during this period has a hidden nature. A person can look restrained but inside, he is on fire. The bitterness that may emerge at this time can remain for a long time. National and religious feelings can easily be hurt.

The representatives of the signs of Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces and Virgo will be the most perceptive to this Full Moon.

The Full Moon dates

The Full Moon will last from December 17 until December 21, 2021.

During this period, we will be experiencing not only the energy of the Full Moon but the energy of the Winter Solstice as well.

It s advised to perform thorough work on analyzing your goals and objectives on all levels.

It s favorable to work with your thoughts, images, feelings and emotions. To learn how to build the circumstances.

It s good to review this year, make an analysis and draw the conclusion. And use the energy of this Full Moon for planning an upcoming year.

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