New Moon on December 14, 2020

On December 14, 2020 at 4:16 P.M. UTC New Moon will occur.

This New Moon the Sun and the Moon will be in Sagittarius.

Also, during this New Moon a total Solar Eclipse will occur.

Energy of this New Moon

Sagittarius teaches us strategic thinking and focus on what matters most.

A person is faced with the task of understanding what kind of experience his Soul wants to receive and clearly aim at the achievement of this goal.

The eclipse in Sagittarius points the need for a deep understanding of your path.

The point of this New Moon and Eclipse symbolizes some important border, which for many will be expressed in the transition to a new qualitative level and in the devaluation of something that has already become obsolete.

Therefore, it is advisable to think about your current condition and those opportunities that are currently opening up and seriously think about using them.

An eclipse can test our strength of the Spirit, and our emotional sphere can be tested.

Our deepest weaknesses, which are absent in our illusory ideas about ourselves, can be revealed.

During the period of New Moon and Eclipse, you should not make rash decisions.

It is advisable to spend this time in a calm atmosphere and carefully listen to yourself, to the subtle voice of your Soul.

New Moon Planning

During this New Moon you can build a clear plan for the upcoming lunar month and for the entire next year.

It is good to meditate on your image of the future, how you want to see yourself in 10 or 20 years, what you want to achieve by that time.

It is desirable that this image contains not only material and social achievements, but internal also.

When setting goals, try to reasonably estimate the time and other resources you can spend on achieving them.

Before implementation, it is advisable to carefully collect information, analyze it and dispel the fog of illusion, and only after that proceed to action.

This New Moon it is favorable to plan a new cycle of your learning.

Perhaps, in some area it is high time to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

You should not forget about your inner development, it is desirable to also include this aspect in planning.

It is advisable to plan a cleaning the space of your home, as well as cleaning your life space in a broader sense.