Full Moon November 12, 2019

The Full Moon November 12, 2019 occurs at 1:34 P.M. UTC.

At the time of this Full Moon the Sun will be in Scorpio and the Moon will be in Taurus.

The meanings of this Full Moon

This Full Moon combines the meanings of two opposite signs.

The energy of Taurus awakens in us the desire to have material wealth, to enjoy the beauty of forms and life.

The energy of Scorpio encourages us to prioritize correctly, to choose the most important thing in life, to free from the unnecessary relationships, things and habits.

During this period we can observe the illusory nature of the material world, the changing of forms, the replacement of the old with the new, and this can be seen at all levels.

At the external level we get rid of unnecessary things.

Internally we are redefining our habits.

At the spiritual level we can see the finiteness of everything and we can understand that the main task of man is the manifestation of the Spirit in matter.

The energies of this Full Moon

The Full Moon November 12, 2019 has a rather soft energy.

You can engage in any kind of activity, but you would not start new projects.

At this Full Moon it’s especially good to clean up your home and workplace.

It is good to make plans for the future, but not to undertake their implementation.

The interest to touch to esoteric knowledge may wake up.

The energy of this Full Moon awakens creative energy.

Common sense helps to balance emotional situations.

Full moon period

The Full Moon period lasts from November 10 to November 14.

At this time it is important to carefully look the events that occur to you and analize it.

If possible during this period it is good to take out from the home and from your life everything you want.

It would be good to try to understand what is the main obstacle in your life path.