Lunar day on September 12, 2021

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September 12, Sunday
Sunrise at 6:30 AM Sunset at 7:22 PM
The Sun in Virgo Sunday is a day of the Sun

This day should be devoted to spiritual essence of a Human Being. Try to minimize any works and household activities.
It is a favorable time to visit a Church, to pray or to meditate, to stay in peace in the open.
Planetary hours
Moon void of course from 5:32 AM till 8:34 AM

7 lunar day

Waxing Moon
Symbol: Wind rose
starts at 1:28 PM
Do not tell undue, watch over words' purity.
Words possess a particular power today, what you say might easily come true. One should not lie or chatter to no purpose; it is better to keep silent. It is good to pray, chant and read sacred texts. This is a day to pay attention to books and notes; it is very bad to tear paper. One should not eat chicken or eggs.


Lungs are vulnerable. It is easy to catch cold. It is not advisable to have teeth pulled.


Main products to avoid this day are poultry meat, especially chicken meat and eggs. Eat more fruits – apples, dates, cherry, apricot. Drink wine and herbal tea (black tea is not recommended).

Moon in Sagittarius

starts from 9:35 AM
Cheerfulness and activity. Good day for contracts and filing applications.
Do not overload yourself. This is a good day for massages, care procedures and manicure. Travelling is also suggested.

The active organs of the body:

Tighs, veins, sense organs, sciatic nerve.


Days of warmth. Active element is fire. Corresponding part of plant for that Sign is fruit. During these days the albumen has its best quality, that favorably influences upon sense organs and psychics. Fruits and albumens digest well.


These days are not favorable for both haircut and depilation. They are also not suggested for facial cleansing procedures, better to make a mask. This sign is considered neutral for manicure.


A favorable period for romantic journey, visiting theatre or training, friendly party or home celebration. Romances started these days are usually impetuous, romantic, full of enjoyment and hopes. World view coincidence, passion, mutual satisfaction - strengthen relations and fill them with optimism and lightness. A favorable way is to become a teacher or sponsor for the partner. But don't waste the time – as fast passion comes as fast it can escape. During this period people usually ready for short but intense romances. So this period is favorable for searching new acquaintances and gaieties.

Moon aspects with planets

Moon sextile Mars
Moon sextile Saturn

Housework today

The seventh lunar day is good because it allows you to finish the projects you have already started; if you didn't finish something yesterday today you have a chance to catch up. This day should be only used for projects that you know will accomplish quickly...
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Meditations for today

Subjects for meditation: Breathing exercises, being mindful of words.

It's better to speak as little as possible today, say only the important things, do not chatter. Be careful with your choice of words and intonation. On this day one's words may be easily fulfilled; so choose affirmation, prayer or mantra to work with...
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Dreams on 7 lunar day

Dreams today may yield useful information, or even be prophetic. The dreams may come true, but not soon. These dreams could hint at your life's purpose; usually they are easily understandable and clearly show your situation, tasks and goals...
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Advice for beauty:

today is a neutral day for the haircut
today is a neutral day for the hair coloring
today is a neutral day for the manicure
epilation is not recommended today
skin cleansing is not recommended today
today is a neutral day for the nail care
Haircut lunar calendar
Hair coloring lunar calendar
Nutrition lunar calendar

Read also:
Lunar calendar for the week
Lunar calendar for year 2024
Full moon calendar
Gardening lunar calendar
Lunar calendar for business