New Moon in Sagittarius - November 26, 2019

The New Moon on November 26, 2019 occurs at 15:05 UTC.

In this time the Sun and the Moon will be in the sign of Sagittarius, which will set the main directions of new lunar month.

The main task of Sagittarius

The main task of Sagittarius is the proper choice and setting of goals.

In this sign we choose a goal and decide to move towards it.

Goals and tasks should be set out of internal understanding and intuition.

Planning the new lunar month

Before you start planning, you need to bring yourself into a balanced state, calm your mind and tune to your intuition.

When you are planning, it would be good to commensurate the desired with the possible.

On this New Moon we can plan not only the coming month, but we can already start planning for the year 2020.

The planning can be done not only on the day of New Moon, but during whole next month.

The energy of Sagittarius sets the aspiration for self-improvement. Under this influence we may want to develop at all levels: internal, external and spiritual.

At this time along material goals, it is desirable to set the vector of spiritual development.

Energy of this New Moon

This month the New Moon occurs on Tuesday - the day of Mars.

This gives us the energy for clear and willed planning.

Planetary influence supports our long-term projects.

The beginning of new lunar month promises to give us an energy to immediately start the implementation of our plans.

Wish you bold planning and a powerful start !