New Moon on April 23, 2020

The New Moon on April 23 occurs at 2:25 A.M. UTC.

This day the Sun and the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus.

The energy of Taurus sets the background for entire coming lunar month.

The energy of this New Moon

The sign of Taurus gives the power of desire for implementation of your goals.

Taurus is an earthly and concrete Sign, and its energy is closely related to planning.

The energy of this Sign helps us to see the essence of things and to commensurate the level of our material life with its spiritual aspect.

The position of planets on this New Moon gives us the opportunity to see what is illusory for us and is in a fantasy world, and which of the new can really materialise.

New ideas may come to mind, and it is important to capture them.

The energy of New Moon softens relations with people around, including with loved ones, and there may appear ease in communication and the ability to negotiate amicably.

Our idea of material prosperity and wealth can be rethought and expand significantly.

This New Moon gives a very good impetus to active people. Also, this is a great time for study and creativity.

New Moon Planning

This New Moon is well suited for detailed planning both for the month and for the coming year.

It is advisable to plan as specifically as possible, fixing all the stages, expenses, terms etc.

The energy of this New Moon allows to make clear financial plans. It would be nice to draw up your budget for each month of this year, and to plan a list of important and expensive purchases.

It would be good to think about new sources of income, but at the same time you should take into account the efforts that will need to be made.

When planning, it is important not to take on too much and not to draw up excessively large and unrealistic plans.

It is important to learn when planning not just to write down all your desires in a row, but to measure their cost with your own strengths and capabilities, take into account the importance and priority of your desires, and separate the minor from the essential.

When setting a specific goal, it would be useful to find for ourselves an internal source of emotional energy to achieve it, since it is precisely the desire energy that moves us towards the set goal.

If the goal is lifeless and devoid of energy and joy for us then it will not be easy to achieve, and often it is not necessary. The energy of Taurus helps to realize and use this aspect also.